Saturday, January 14, 2012

Molly's Month by Month: Four

You finally rolled to your back the day you turned four months.  We were at Johnny and Mimi's house for Christmas and you were playing on the floor and you just got tired and rolled.  You met your cousins and even held hands with Carleigh.  I weighed you since your 4 month checkup was so early and you weighed 17 lbs.  You have a pretty good schedule and even slept from 9pm to 4:30am last night.  You are starting to sit up for a few seconds without help.  Your favorite things are Mortimer the Moose, your wrist and foot bugs, putting your hands in my mouth, flipping boardbook pages, and playing with my hair.  You went on your first trip to Dallas and met some of my college friends and Jack.  Best of all, you decided to take a paci.  Now I can put you and your sister to sleep simultaneously.  No crying involved!

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